
Clearlance Sale

Today, I go to Central Seelom with my family. It has a big clearlance sale until Sunday, after Sunday the dapartment store will close. I love to shop at stationary and clothes zone. it has a lot of things in cheap price. We enjoy very much, my mom shop a lot of dolls. She told me that she buy it for Christmas day because if she buy a gift on that day, she has to buy it in expensive price. I agree with her so I prepare to buy a gift for my friends. My dad like to shop at shirt zone, he find a shirt for work. He won't buy a things if it is too much expensive and low quality.
After we finish shopping, we go to Sizzler. Everybody in my family like to eat steak especially me. We eat a lot, I order chicken spicy. It is my favorite menu when I eat steak. I think sizzler is not too much expensive because you just order steak menu and you can eat salad bar free, just order anythings in the menu. I feel full so much, I can't move and I want to sleep. We happy with our activities and then we back home


Shopping day

Last saturday, my friend and I went to shopping at Union mall. It's a night market, there are a lot of things in there such as clothes, bags, shoes, cosmetics. Most of people love to shop here because it's not too much far. I like to shopping at Union mall because it's quality goods and not expensive. we spend a lot of time in there.I beg my mom to sleep at my friend's home, first she's not allow but finally she allow me. I enjoyed very much.


special memories

I had a friend meeting again on last Wednesday around Siam, so I went to meet my friends there. I was the last person arriving there. After our arriving, we straightly moved to have lunch together. We all enjoyed eating and asking about each other’s life. We moved to take some sticker photos after finishing eating. Taking sticker photos was very interesting for me because we could draw or put some effects into the photos. Moreover, these photos could help us recall what we have done on that day. After that we went to the Paragon to watch a movie. It could make us feel sad, fun, and happy. In addition, I think that all factors of this movie is very attracting that should be watched by everyone. Then we said goodbye to each other and went home because it was late. Having a great time with my friends is what I like the most because we do not often has the same free time like that day.


Today, I going to Siam for shopping a cosmatic and some clothes. I go alone because no one free in this day so I have to walk alone at Siam, I'm bored so much so I called to one of my friend, she is a person that I think she is always standby at Siam. I called her and she pick up the phone, She told me that she's tutor english subject to her brother's friends. she will finish at 01.00 p.m. I wait for her. After that, she finish teaching and called me. We have lunch in a noodle restaurant, I ask her about her teaching. She told me that she's tutor in enlish subject.
she is teaching a student in high school and she has got 150 Baht/ hour for each person. In 1 month she has got 7,500 Baht, I'm very excited. She make a lot of money by her skills and ability, I'm very admire her. I want to make a lot of money as same as her. After we finish eating, we go to take a photo sticker, we have fun very much. She is one of my closed friend that I really love because my bed is near her bed and I talk with her every night before I asleep when I was a high school student in boarding school. she is good at so she can entrance to Chulalongkorn University, I miss her and I told her that if I go to Siam I will called her


Tomorrow is my birthday, my mom will prepare birthday party for me. I 'm very excited, waiting for tomorrow. My party will start at 6.00 p.m. When I was young, mom gave me some gift and cake. I'm very happy, I love my birthday so much because there are a lot of people join with my party. I think eveybody like birthday party. Especially, this day will full of foods, beverage and dessert. I really like pudding and ice-cream, it's my favorite dessert.
Birthday is another important day for me because it's a painful day for mom, She gave me a life and look after me for a long time until today, I have to say thank you to her. I love my mom and dad very much. I think they are the great persons in the world that I really love.

Final examination

Today, I reading a lot of books because of final examination is coming soon. I have to pay attention to read a book but I always want to sleep everytime, it's so bad. If I can change the way I am, I can have a good grade. Law subject is a subject that I have to read so hard but I a person that hate reading a book except cartoon and magazine. I have to attempt to read a book because I want to pass every subjects in this semester.


Friend meeting

Yesterday, I have a meeting with my closed friend, 7 people. They are my cloesd and lovely friend, we haven't met for a long time after finish high school so I miss both of them very much.
We appoint at 11.00 a.m. ,at Siam. When we arrive, we talk a lot about eveythings, no one silent.
A fter that, we went straight to MK Restaurant at Paragon because after talk a lot we felt hungry. I like MK and my friends like too, they also like vegetable because they love to have a good shape so we order many of vegetable menu. I think we are the most noisy table in the restaurant, we have fun very much. When we finish, we went to photo studio, that the second things that we love next to MK. We enjoyed and relax. I like this time with my closed friend.
After that we planed to watch a movie but I have to went home because my mom told me that she want me to went to grandfather's home with her so I have to said goodbye to all of my friends and went home. I think the old friends can make you recall a good memories in the past, happiness, cheerful. I think if you have a time you should call and say hello to your old friend to make sure that you never forget them.


Free day

Today, I have no class, so I decide to go out with my lovely friend, Honghao. Going to Siam Center is the one we like best because many marvelous activities are over there. We both want to feel relaxed and get away from any stress, so watching a movie, singing some karaoke songs, and buying some pretty stuffs are our major plan seleted.
After all, before leaving home, we called each other again, and we have already realize that it is going to rain. My friend and I actually have the same idea, so we immediately change our plan and choose to stay home instead of going out.As a consequence, staying home is not that bad because there are many interesting things. I decide to read some law-books because the final examination is coming soon.After reading, I take a rest and have a good time using my computer doing journal homework.I thank the Buddha that making the rain because this is my most beneficial time. If I go out, I will have no time to review my lesson or do any housework at all.When my mom arrived home, she was very wonder that I arrived home before her.Then I told her the reason why I do not go out, and decide to tidy my messy bedroom.

Bangsan *Patthaya

Last Sunday, I went to Patthaya with my family. We plan to spend time in there for 1 day so we have to leave Bangkok in early, at 9.00 a.m. We arrived to Patthaya at 10.30 a.m. It doesn't took a long time because it is not too far from Bangkok. After that, We went to seafoods restaurant. There are a lot of seafood such as shrimp, shells, cuttlefish. We loved them very much. This restaurant is delicious and not too much expensive, good atmosphere and near the seaside. We are very full and it was a time to relax so I suggest my mom and dad to walk around the seaside after eating, they agree with me then we walk all together. In this area, there is a bicycle for rent so I beg my mom to rent it but she refused because she think I can't ride a bicycle. I have been ride a bicycle when I was young, it was a long time. I think I can ride but not have a skillful. Then I swam with my brother, I can't swim so I hold my brother because I afraid to be sink. I have fun so much.
I think if I have a chance I will back again.




Mitch flew to the Nashville and hired a van drove to the apartment. He bought some equipment from photography shop. He arrived to Nashville, he called the Perdido Hilton and asked for Rachel James but she didn't arrived. Mitch said to Ray that the FBI and Mafia trying to kill him and Abby and hetold him to check that no one followed her, she called herself 'Rachel James' When Abby arrived, Ray know that there is one woman follow her so he attack her.
Ray called Mitch that Abby was followed so they had to move out of the hotel, move to Panama City Beach.

hire = to pay money to borrow something for a short time.
equipment = the thing that are needed for a particular purpose or activity.
grab = take or hold something with your hand suddenly.
cautiously = being careful about what you say or do, especially to avoid danger or mistake.
document = an official paper or book that gives information about something.
follow = to come or go after or behind something.


Mitch go to the southeastern Bank Building, he moved a million to his mother's bank, a million to Abby's parent's bank, and a million for Tammy, the other seven million joined of the FBI money in his bank in Zurich.Randolph Osgood informed the movement of a large amout of money. The hunt get closer, the police looking for a man who had attack a woman in the Perdido Beach Hilton, Ray's picture was appear as an escaped murderer.
Mitch told Tammy that a million dollars waiting for her in a bank. Mitch talk with Abby about Ray,Ray has a haircut to cahanged his look, and also Abby. Mitch told Abby that she has to check in in a small hotel, the Blue Tide and sign in as Jackie Nagel. Suddenly the 3 of them were together.

wire = metal in the form of thin thread.
informed = having or showing a lot of knowledge about a particular subject or situation.
available = Thing that you can get, buy or find.
movement = an act of moving the body or part of the body.
clerk = a person whose job is to keep the records or accounts in an office, shop/store.


Khao Yai Trip

Last friday, it was a long weekend so my friends and I plan to went to Nakornrachaseema province.I invite 3 friends to go with me.Nakornrachaseema is an interesting province, and easy to go because it took 2 hours to get there, especially I have a house in this province so we could have many activities to do.
The first day that we arrived, we have tried very much because of traffic jam. It is a long weekend so everybody want to travel in another province. My friend told me that she is really like the weather in there, it was cold. Air-conditioner is not necessary for my house.After we have relax, we plan to travel through a forest. Two of my friend love to eat so they prepare a lot of food and drink for this trip. When we arrive to Khao Yai, we start to walk in to the forest and survey. there are many interest thing in there such as insect, plant,waterfall. We stop at Haew Suwat Waterfall. It was a beautiful waterfall, I took a lot of photo on it, by the way I think it is dangerous place because it is high and slippery. We should walk with precaution. After that we have lunch at food store near by the waterfall, although it is just a little restaurant but it is very delicious for me. We have fun very much on that day. We leave from Khao Yai at 5.30 pm.
At night we have a campfire party, we eat a lot and fun very much. I think I will not forget
this memory.


Zafari world

Yesterday, I went to Zafari world with my senior. Zafari world is zoological garden. There are a lot of animals such as giraffa, elephant, bear etc. I have been there when I was young, about 8 years old. Everythings in there have changed, there are a lot of animals and an extinct animals. It was excited. My senior and I walk around the zoo, we have fun so much. I think this place make me known the different and a new things that I never saw before. We walk in the zoo until 12.30 a.m. Ater we were tired, we decided to rest for a while by eating some food, it is expensive too much. I think it is a price for foreigners because there are a lot of foreigners come to travel in there. I prefer to have a noodles to eat, although it just a noodles selling in a boat

but it is too much expensive, about 55 baht per dish, in other place the price is just 20 baht.

After that, when we finish eating we start to survey again. The animal that I'm very impressive is giraffa, it's lovely and funny. It is tall and strange. It make me wonderer that how about when its sleeping, I afraid that giraffa's head will be break because it is too long. my senior and I love to feed a giraffa, we have fun. First, I think zoo is a boring place but now I have change my mind. Zoo is very excellent place for me. It made a new knowledge and made me excited. I will be there again for sure.

family day

Today, I have a class so I have to go to Abac. It's a criminal law subject, I'm very tired.
I think it shouldn't has a class on saturday because it is a family day. After finish study, I have a lunch with my lovely friend, she like to eat steak so much so we hurry to go there.We eat a lot, it is very delicious, I like it very much. Then I have to go to shopping with my dad and mom so I say goodbye to my friend. Mom and dad take me to department store for buy many foods,we have a small party at home. My mom buy a lot of vegetable and fruits, she told me that this food make her slim so she love to eat it. I agree with her but I didn't like it. After finish shopping we back home and help each other to prepare foods I have fun and enjoy so much. I think this is a great day, I like to spend time with my family I love them very much.