

Mitch flew to the Nashville and hired a van drove to the apartment. He bought some equipment from photography shop. He arrived to Nashville, he called the Perdido Hilton and asked for Rachel James but she didn't arrived. Mitch said to Ray that the FBI and Mafia trying to kill him and Abby and hetold him to check that no one followed her, she called herself 'Rachel James' When Abby arrived, Ray know that there is one woman follow her so he attack her.
Ray called Mitch that Abby was followed so they had to move out of the hotel, move to Panama City Beach.

hire = to pay money to borrow something for a short time.
equipment = the thing that are needed for a particular purpose or activity.
grab = take or hold something with your hand suddenly.
cautiously = being careful about what you say or do, especially to avoid danger or mistake.
document = an official paper or book that gives information about something.
follow = to come or go after or behind something.

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