

Mitch go to the southeastern Bank Building, he moved a million to his mother's bank, a million to Abby's parent's bank, and a million for Tammy, the other seven million joined of the FBI money in his bank in Zurich.Randolph Osgood informed the movement of a large amout of money. The hunt get closer, the police looking for a man who had attack a woman in the Perdido Beach Hilton, Ray's picture was appear as an escaped murderer.
Mitch told Tammy that a million dollars waiting for her in a bank. Mitch talk with Abby about Ray,Ray has a haircut to cahanged his look, and also Abby. Mitch told Abby that she has to check in in a small hotel, the Blue Tide and sign in as Jackie Nagel. Suddenly the 3 of them were together.

wire = metal in the form of thin thread.
informed = having or showing a lot of knowledge about a particular subject or situation.
available = Thing that you can get, buy or find.
movement = an act of moving the body or part of the body.
clerk = a person whose job is to keep the records or accounts in an office, shop/store.

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