
stayed at home

Today, I got up about 11.00 a.m. because I was very tired yesterday. I went to take a shower. Suddenly the phone rang and I couldn't pick up so I called the last number that called me. I don't know who is calling because it doesn't show the name, it is a new number. Can you guess who? that's my friend. She ask me to hang out with her. I asked her, where you want to go? She said Siam square. I can't go because of my homework, I have to do it so I refuse her and change it to next wednesday. Every wednesday, I have free after 12 p.m. so I have a time for go with her and she accept. After I had a shower, I worked until it finish and felt asleep, then I rang to one of my closed friend but her sister answered it. I asked her to speak to my friend, we didn't talk for long because her sister wanted to use the phone. I went back to work, my essay again.

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